Cars, Sausages and Beer

Tag Land Rover

A Tale of Two Rovers

The Vogue’s Tale Last summer I got a call from my brother asking for a small favour. He was away but he asked if I could go round to his house and take his son’s Range Rover to our local… Continue Reading →

Oh no! I want a Discovery!

The best analogy I’ve ever heard for the owner of a Land Rover Discovery. Ownership is a lot like being a drug addict. When you’re on a high, everything in the world is great but it takes more drugs/money each… Continue Reading →

Twisted Land Rover – Yes, it is.

Whilst doing time for Her Majesty in the Queens Royal Irish Hussars during the mid 70’s I had the fortune to be selected for an expedition to Afghanistan, the journey to be undertaken by road from Paderborn in West Germany… Continue Reading →

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