Been running this car for around 6 weeks and already covered 3500 miles. What a tremendous vehicle, I absolutely love it, it is such a joy to drive and I rarely stretch it and go more than 3000 rpm, it doesn’t need it. It is comfortable, easy to drive and feels so well made and secure. I will admit that it is not too easy on the pocket, but I am not surprised. When I first got the car the average MPG over the previous 12000 miles was 16.5, I have now got it up to 17.5, but I am driving quite long distances across the motorways of Northern England. I am also trying to fill with Shell V Power or failing that at least a BP, Esso or other 97RON. It is a little pricier, but almost universally recommended for these engines.
A tale of two journeys..

M602 – 4:00pm rush hour traffic just outside Manchester with 17mpg!

After a 4:30am drive to Liverpool across M62. Just over 25mpg, it can be done if the conditions allow.
It’s the throaty rumble and noise that really is the car’s USP though. I was driving towards Bradford from home, The Better Half and No.2 Son in tow and there is a tunnel under the airport. As we approached No.2 Son and I dropped the car windows and I dropped a couple of cogs. I enjoyed the Tinkie Tickling noise for a moment. The Better Half looked across with a withering look, “you are both so childish….”
October 11, 2017 at 2:10 pm
I can imagine Alison’s “withering” look…no doubt you and No.2 smirked remorselessly?